
Thursday, November 22, 2012

Hackers...hackers everywhere...

Repost From Pico Blog#

  Hi everyone! I'm back to this Pigg blog and it's not about Pigg but it's about... me...







  What I mean 'again' is that I'm being hacked three times in total already... Surprise isn't it? =3= So...anyone wants to hear the whole story? Let me tell you a few but not everything as I only tell everything to my friends I trust. You see... the first time I was hacked, I was shocked and I nearly got a heart attack but now, it seems to be a normal thing to me as I know what to do... The second comes and I deal with it perfectly and I got my facebook back but the third time...that hacker was two steps faster than me and I was like...holding a white flag if you know what I mean... I think that the hacker changed my password two times so that I can't change my password and it was such a poisonous hacker... Maybe you guys should be careful of hackers... If you guys ask me who I suspect, I say it was one of my classmates, maybe she was jealous of me being friend with one of her bestie. She seemed so kind to me and was not really secretive or I don't know her much. She tickles me sometimes and say 'hello' to me. I was timid at school and was always quiet. So, I don't talk to people much unless I talked to her tons of times. So, here it is, I think she's the one and when I talk to her on facebook, she was so secretive and this made me suspicious and maybe her bestie who was also my bestie team up with her? I don't know but I'm going to find out because my facebook couldn't get back anymore! She even talked to my friends and was polite at first but became rude who talk bad words. She really think her bad words were so cool but I don't think it was cool. I think she does it on purpose just to make me angry and so at last, all my friends deleted me and left only 10 or more buddies. I lost my precious friends! Most of them are on Pico and I add them as I treat them as my besties and now? ALL GONE. So, here's an advise for you guys...

Change your password often. At least once a month or maybe two weeks once. Also, don't tell anyone your password unless you know her and saw her face in real and thinks that she was trustworthy. If you don't want to change your password on games or facebook and others, you at least have to change your emails especially you use them for games or facebook and others. Your facebook had to be used on most games and so, you really have to change your email which you are using for your facebook like yahoo, live messenger and others.

  That's all I have to tell you. Make sure you check on this blog every week or month and everyday on my Pigg blog as it always has something new. Also, hope these few advises help! If you guys wanted to know why I help you guys as I can't help myself, it is because if one person tells everyone about this, it makes changes to the world. I learn this from my chinese class teacher. Anyway, bye! Oh yes, if I post any rubbish like bad words on my page, it might be that hacker as I never say a bad word in my life! Also, I'll be making an album or scrape book or whatever it is call for the memories of our dear Ameba Pico! I see that most are newbies who play Pico always and most of them are Indonesian. So, if you guys didn't want to play Pico right now, it be closed on December 17! In that case, nobody would have a chance to go around Pico! See ya!

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